Early Warnings of Terrible Earthquakes Appear High in the Sky, a New Theory Says

for Scientific American

Published: October, 2018

The best early warnings of a big disaster may appear 180 miles above the ground, a controversial new theory says

Maya bones bring a lost civilization to life

for Nature

Published: February 12, 2019

Trained in both medicine and archaeology, Vera Tiesler has revealed how the human body was deeply woven into the religion, tradition and politics of the Maya world.

A Widening Gulf

for WWF Magazine
Published: Summer 2015

For fishing families along America’s Gulf Coast, illegal fishing is a reality that’s hitting very close to home.

The Lobster Wars

for bioGraphic

Published: May 2019

In one coastal Mexican town, a sustainable fishery anchors the community. So why has Florida outlawed the same fishing methods?

Great White Mystery

for National Geographic
Published: June 2016

Thanks to Jaws, they're the ocean's most iconic and feared fish. But we know surprisingly little about them.

In Search of the Lost Empire of the Maya

for National Geographic
Published: September 2016

The ambitious Snake kings used force and diplomacy to create the most powerful alliance in their culture’s history.

A Forest Hidden by Fog

for bioGraphic

Published: September 2016

Spellbound by an idea, a writer sets out to find the mythical cloud forest—and shines a bright light on an endangered ecosystem.

Why trials of autism treatments have a placebo problem

for Spectrum

Published: November 2016

People with autism — and their family members — are susceptible to powerful placebo effects. Some researchers are using the problem to better understand this mystifying phenomenon.


for Aeon

Published: November 2016

Look into my eyes: the fantastical history, mysterious healing power and emergent neuroscience of hypnosis

Excerpt: Remembering Childhood Trauma That Never Happened

for New York Magazine

Published: November 2016

New York Magazine ran an excerpt from my book, Suggestible You, introducing the concept of false memories.